Track taxes

Track taxes

Each Expensify workspace can be configured with one or more tax rates. Once tax rates are enabled on your workspace, all expenses will have a default tax rate applied based on the currency, and employees will be able to select the correct tax rate for each expense.

Tax rates are only available on the Control plan. Collect plan users will need to upgrade to Control for access to tag tax codes.

Enable taxes on a workspace

Taxes can be enabled on any workspace where the default currency is not USD. Please note that if you have a direct accounting integration, tax rates will be managed through the integration and cannot be manually enabled or disabled using the instructions below.

To enable taxes on your workspace:

  1. Click your profile image or icon in the bottom left menu
  2. Click Workspaces in the left menu
  3. Select the workspace where you want to enable tax codes
  4. Click More features in the left menu
  5. Click the toggle next to Taxes

After toggling on taxes, you will see a new Taxes option in the left menu.

Manually add, delete, or edit tax rates

To manually add a tax rate:

  1. Click your profile image or icon in the bottom left menu
  2. Scroll down and click Workspaces in the left menu
  3. Select the workspace where you want to add tax codes
  4. Click Taxes in the left menu
  5. Click Add rate in the top right
  6. Enter a name, value, and tax code, then click Save

To enable, disable, edit or delete a single tax rate:

  1. Click the tax rate on the Taxes settings page
  2. To enable or disable the tax rate, click the toggle next to Enable rate, then click Save
  3. To edit the name, value, or tax code, click into the Name, Value, or Tax Code field, then click Save
  4. To permanently delete the tax rate, click Delete

Please note: The workspace currency default rate cannot be deleted or disabled.

To enable, disable, or delete tax rates in bulk:

  1. On the Taxes settings page, click the checkboxes next to the tax rates you’d like to delete
  2. Click “x selected” in the top right
  3. To enable or disable all the selected tax rates, click Enable rates or Disable rates
  4. To permanently delete the tax rates, click Delete rates

Please note: The workspace currency default rate cannot be deleted or disabled.

Change the default tax rates

After enabling taxes in your workspace, you can set two default rates:

  • Workspace currency default: Any expenses created in the workspace default currency will default to this tax rate. Employees can select a different tax rate if applicable.
  • Foreign currency default: Expenses created in any currency besides the workspace default currency will default to this tax rate. Employees can select a different tax rate if applicable.

To change the default tax rates:

  1. On the Taxes settings page, click Settings in the top right
  2. Click Workspace currency default or Foreign currency default and select the desired tax rate

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